Consultation of a nutritionist is necessary both for preventive Anti-Aging measures and in case of severe diseases. Nutrition is the main source of body’s energy and impacts the processes of fat accumulation, state of nails, hair, facial skin and general well-being and mood. As our body ages, its needs and responses to food’s quantity and type change.
What is the quality of the energy your body gets?

You need a consultation of a nutritionist:
- If you are overweight or underweight, especially if it causes other health problems,
- If you notice unintentional weight changes,
- In case of skin problems,
- During high endurance sports activities (professional sports, active daily workouts),
- If you follow a specific diet (vegetarianism, veganism, raw food, etc.),
- If you have sedentary or static work (office, art studio, etc.),
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding,
- If you want to follow healthy diet plan tailored for your individual needs.
The most common questions which are solved by the complex solution involving nutrition science:
- Ageing-related changes,
- Rehabilitation process,
- Changes in lifestyle,
- Food allergies or intolerance,
- Acute and chronic diseases:
- Diabetes,
- Gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases,
- Cardiovascular diseases,
- Cancer, etc.
When working with the client, the nutrition specialists of the Anti-Aging Institute:
- Identify the specific problem which requires correction of the nutrition plan,
- Analyse the features of human metabolism and body reactions,
- Consider the person’s everyday rhythm and lifestyle.
- Šādā veidā sastādīts uztura plāns sniedz visefektīvākos rezultātus, jo ir pielāgots katram individuālajam gadījumam un krasi neierobežo cilvēka ikdienu.
- Consultation,
- Individual nutrition plan,
- Bioimpedance,
- Indirect calorimetry,
- Metabolic diagnostics using Cosmed Q-NRG,
- Body weight analysis using Hologic Horizon W.