Clinical and health psychologist

There are moments when the scenario of our lives seems completely wrong, and it feels like we cannot do anything about it. When faced with the challenges of life or lack of them, you need encouragement and the opportunity to look into yourself and at the same time to take a look at the big picture. A personal coach motivates people to develop skills and abilities and to dare to achieve goals.
Unlike the usual consultation with a psychologist, which deals mostly with the person's past, in personal development training, the focus is on the future. The specialist helps the client identify and evaluate their ambitions and dreams and find internal resources to fulfil them. A personal coach helps a person understand their current situation and determine where they want to go, as well as to be aware of opportunities and take responsibility for achieving their goals
Personal growth sessions are recommended if:
- you lack vitality or joy of life;
- you are currently confused in one of the spheres of life;
- you have doubts about yourself, your abilities;
- you have a vision for the future but no clear plan;
- you want to change profession;
- you want to improve your appearance and health;
- you tend to forget things;
- you tend not to finish what you have started;
- you want to change a specific pattern of your behavior;
- you are characterized by procrastination (postponing work);
- you are short of time;
- you want to improve your financial situation;
- you are susceptible to stress (easily irritated, upset, offended, etc.);
- you would like to develop your self-confidence more;
- you would like to increase your self-confidence;
- you would like to increase your self-esteem;
- you lack a balance between work and family life.