Ansis Zauers
Nutrition specialist
Provides consultations of a nutritionist. Works with both adults, children and young people, helping to create healthy eating habits and providing the necessary knowledge to understand their importance in everyday life. Provides only extended consultations (1.5 h). During the consultation, a detailed anamnesis is learned about the client's nutritional habits, health status (including the interpretation of laboratory analysis), lifestyle, and based on this, recommendations are given for the achievement of each individual's goals.
Specializes in:
- weight loss and weight gain;
- reducing fatigue after illness (Covid-19, flu, etc.) or nutrient deficiency;
- nutritional advice for autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, etc.);
- nutritional recommendations in cases of digestive tract diseases (irritable bowel syndrome, gluten intolerance, gastritis, constipation, etc.);
- perioperative nutrition (before and after surgery);
- nutrition during the rehabilitation period - after bone fractures, joint or muscle injuries;
- nutritional recommendations for oncological diseases;
- nutritional recommendations for Lyme disease;
- anti-aging nutrition for seniors.
In addition, the specialist also interprets the patient's microbiome analysis (analysis results must be sent at least a week before the consultation).
- Member of the Latvian Association of Diet and Nutrition Specialists
- Founder of personalized nutrition start-up SIA "Valens Nutri".
- Since 2021 - nutritionist at "Veselības centrs 4" (Health center 4) branch "Anti-Aging Institute"
- Since 2019 - lecturer at Riga Stradins University
- 2017 - graduated from inter-university (LU, RSU, LLU) academic master's study program "Nutrition Science"
- 2015 - graduated from Riga Stradiņš University's professional bachelor's study program "Nutrition"
Consults in Latvian, English and German