Victory over the double chin with VLight Solution lipolytic preparation

As you know, Korea has become one of the world leaders in the development of beauty and aesthetic medicine products. VLight Solution (Korea) is an injection preparation for effective double chin reduction. The preparation is based on sodium deoxycholate, which promotes fat breakdown and absorption. VLight Solution destroys fat cells permanently – they will not regenerate.
The course of lipolytic injections is perfect for reducing the double chin. The double chin fat "cushion" is often a genetic feature that does not react to traditional weight loss methods and procedures. VLight Solution is also suitable for strengthening the oval of the face, as it promotes the synthesis of collagen and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which restores the skin's elasticity and gives it a naturally regenerated appearance.
! Fat cells do not divide – a complete VLight Solution course combined with the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle guarantees a long-lasting result.
- fat deposit reduced for up to 80%;
- collagen synthesis;
- stimulation of the lymphatic system;
- the first results are visible within a week after the first procedure.

The main advantage of VLight Solution is the significantly lower inflammatory response after the procedure and the short rehabilitation time. The superior effectiveness of VLight Solution compared to analogue products has been clinically proven.
Course duration: recommended number of procedures – 3 procedures every 10 days. The exact duration and course is determined during an individual consultation with a specialist:
- painless procedure;
- no swelling or bruising after the procedure;
- short rehabilitation time after the procedure.

For a perfect result, it is recommended to combine VLight Solution procedures with vacuum massage of the treated area.
Areas to be treated:
- double chin;
- face oval;
- cheeks.
- allergy to any of the components of the preparation;
- general contraindications for aesthetic injections.