
Our hormones impact and regulate the processes that seem to be taken for granted: sleep, growth, metabolism, appetite, mood, libido, etc. As a person ages, the balance of hormones changes. Menopause (in women) and andropause (in men) – a natural process accompanied by significant changes – is an example of this process. However, this is not the only aspect – care of hormonal balance should be a life-long practice as a part of the Anti-Aging plan.




You need a consultation of an endocrinologist:

  • If your family member has had diabetes or other endocrine diseases,
  • If you are planning a pregnancy,
  • If you have the following complaints:
    • Changes in body weight,
    • Thirst and frequent urination (especially at night),
    • Weakness, fatigue,
    • Palpitations, excitability,
    • Inflammatory skin diseases and poorly healing wounds,
    • Fungal diseases that are hard to treat,
    • Skin pigmentation disorders,
    • Increased hair growth or hair loss,
    • Purple or violet stretch marks on the belly, hips, shoulders,
    • Changes in the shape of the neck.

The most common health issues solved by a complex solution including endocrinology:

  • Menopause, andropause,
  • Diabetes mellitus,
  • Hypothyroidism,
  • Thyrotoxicosis.

Endocrinology specialists of Anti-Aging Institute provide the opportunity to monitor and control hormonal balance and prepare for age-related hormonal change process.


  • Consultation,
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland,
  • Identification of blood trace element level,
  • Identification of blood hormone level,
  • Identification of urine iodine.

Before consulting an endocrinologist, you should pay attention to:

  • Past diseases (including infections), surgeries and injuries,
  • Cases of severe diseases in the family,
  • Characteristic of lifestyle and nutrition.