NutriGen™ genetic test - perfect nutrition at the gene level

Since its opening, the Anti-Aging Institute has been proud of its most accurate nutritional diagnostic methods (bioimpedance, Cosmed, etc.). Now the range of methods has been supplemented by diagnostics at the gene level - the NutriGen ™ genetic test! NurtiGen™ allows you to lose weight wisely without unsuccessful diet experiments and unnecessary physical exertion. The test reveals why a healthy diet and exercise do not always help to effectively reduce and maintain the desired weight. The answer lies in our genes, which determine the way a person loses or gains weight.
Genetics can be the reason why someone can get in good shape without much effort, someone can hardly get rid of a few extra kilograms and recover them quickly, but for someone else, gaining muscle mass becomes a real challenge. The ideal weight can be achieved as effectively as possible by cooperating with a knowledgeable nutritionist who determines an individually tailored nutrition plan for the client. Such a plan can be drawn up if it is based on the results of high-quality diagnostics.
The NutriGen™ test determines:
- genetic causes of overweight and obesity;
- macronutrient metabolism;
- mineral and vitamin deficiency;
- the usefulness of physical activity for weight correction;
- food intolerance;
- intensity of taste;
- genetic profile of inflammation;
- body's ability to cleanse (detox);
- the most appropriate type of diet and physical activity;
- recommended nutritional categories;
- recommended dietary proportions and caloric intake;
- the most suitable food supplements.

Benefits of the NutriGen™ test
- Explanation of weight characteristics at the genetic level
The test analyzes 384 genetic variations – you will receive a complete analysis of weight-related factors that will help you understand what nutrients your body really needs.
- Perfect collaboration with a nutritionist and nutrition plan
Based on in-depth diagnostics, a nutritionist creates a 100% individualized diet plan based on your genetic factors, lifestyle and eating habits, as well as weight correction goals.
- The test only needs to be performed once in a lifetime
The results of the genetic test do not change during life

NutriGen™ test procedure
The NutriGen™ test is performed within a few minutes by applying a swab to the mucous membrane of the cheek. The test is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. The test results will be known after 3-4 weeks.
! One hour before the NutriGenTM test, the customer should not eat or drink, brush their teeth or rinse their mouth with special mouthwashes