Concept of Anti-Aging
The journey towards healthy and youthful life begins at the client’s first appointment with an internal medicine specialist or a preventive medicine specialist.
During the consultation the specialist explains the framework of preventative medicine and anti-aging concept. The consultation then continues with the discussion of client's medical history, family health history, daily routine, dietary habits, nature of physical activities and other meaningful aspects.
As you arrive for the appointment, you will be greeted by the personal client consultant! The client consultant will monitor your individual anti-aging plan and the schedule of your preventive measures – coordinate and remind you about the planned consultations and procedures as well as ensure smooth communication between the specialists and the client.
Tests and diagnostics
The consultation with preventive medicine specialist is followed by the diagnostic phase.
All clients of Anti-Aging Institute undergo a comprehensive check-up
- Genetic tests
- Metabolism diagnostics
- Urine, stool and blood tests
- Ultrasound
- X-ray
- Computed tomography examination
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Endoscopic examinations
- Gut microbiome test
- Consultations of various specialists, etc.
Defining the anti-aging plan
The medical council (a multidisciplinary group of medical experts) summarises and analyses the results of examinations and genetic test to define the profile of client's current health condition by using so called “banner principle”
the conditions that must be prioritised as they pose significant health threats
moderate health threats, that must be addressed as soon as possible
aspects of the heath state that should be taken in concern and addressed with preventive measures
state that is overall satisfactory while maintenance, improvement and preventive measures are recommended
The treatment is carried out accordingly to an individual plan involving care for all functional systems of the client’s body, by such specialists as:
- Preventive medicine specialist
- Gastroenterologist
- Nutritionist
- Physical therapist
- Geriatrician
- Psychotherapist
- Gynaecologist
- Dentist
- Dermatologist
- Aesthetic medicine specialist, etc.
Management of aging processes
After the primary health issues have been solved, the process continues with the development and implementation of a customised preventive medicine plan and carrying out daily health care measures. During this period, the client consultant will monitor your individual plan and the schedule of your preventive measures – coordinate and remind you regarding the scheduled consultations and procedures, and ensure smooth communication between the specialists and the client.