Anti-Aging for Women from 35 to 45
After the age of 35, the condition of the skin, hair and facial oval continues to change.
- The tone of facial and eyelid area muscles and skin declines – the skin starts losing its regular contours, the facial features start looking sharper and floppier, the skin around the chin becomes looser, the eyelids become heavier;
- The skin of the face, as well as of the body becomes thinner, drier and loses firmness – the wrinkles and “crow’s feet” become more pronounced, cellulite appears;
- The hair starts turning grey;
- Appearance of skin pigmentation is possible;
- Tiny blood vessels get dilated;
- The oiliness of skin increases;
- Upper lip hair starts developing more intensively.
It is time to start targeted resolution of aesthetic problems by consulting a specialist and using efficient procedures of aesthetic medicine. Application of long-term and natural effect measures instead of masking short-term solutions is recommended.
Time brings changes not only in our appearance, but in health condition as well:
- Bone density starts reducing;
- Metabolism rate declines;
- Muscle tone reduces slightly;
- Vision declines slightly;
- Disorders in hormonal balance are possible;
- Fertility decreases;
- Risk of encountering gynaecological problems increases.
Regular health checks must become a part of a healthy life rhythm.