Therapeutic massage
During the therapeutic massage, a certified specialist manually acts on the specific problem area. Therapeutic massage is not possible at home - its effect is deeper and the procedure requires specific skills and knowledge.
- suitable for recovery from injury or prolonged immobility;
- reduced muscle tension;
- restored ability to work in conditions of mental and physical stress;
- fatigue reduction;
- improved sleep quality.
Therapeutic massage is recommended in the following cases:
- slowed backflow of lymph and blood circulation, edema;
- loss of concentration;
- after soft tissue injuries;
- muscle and ligament sprains, post-traumatic joint contractures;
- conditions after spinal injuries;
- deforming spondylosis, flat foot, postural disorders and weakness;
- osteochondrosis of intervertebral discs;
- radiculitis due to degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs;
- migraine, neuralgia;
- vibration syndrome;
- sleep disorders;
- impaired bowel function;
- increased muscle irritability, etc.

- pregnancy;
- advanced glaucoma;
- cardiovascular disease;
- acute dermatological diseases;
- fever, elevated body temperature;
- varicose veins;
- haemophilia;
- oncology.