
Ultrasound in cosmetology

Ultrasound (US) is sound waves that are inaudible to the human ear (above 20,000 Hz). US exposure is safe and tested and is used in diagnostics, physical therapy and aesthetic medicine.

In body aesthetic procedures, the main effect of US is to improve the condition of the skin.

During the procedure, cell micromassage takes place - skin metabolism is activated, promoting the absorption of necessary substances, natural hydration of the skin, elimination of end products of cell metabolism, reduction of fat cells and regeneration of weakened connective tissues. The effect of US allows the full incorporation of active substance sera into the deeper layers of the skin. Thanks to the improved skin microcirculation, the used preparations are able to have a full effect.

  • Skin toning, firmness restoration
  • Body contour modeling
  • Reduction of body volume

Areas of exposure:

face, décolleté, breasts, abdomen, waist, buttocks, thighs, “galliffet” area, upper arms.

The perfect combination: before and after lipolysis, after plastic surgery, in combination with lymphatic drainage procedures.


  • improved blood and lymph circulation;
  • improved skin color, texture and firmness;
  • reduction of cellulite and edema;
  • reduction of stretch marks and scars;
  • local reduction of fat cells;
  • full absorption of used preparations.

Restrictions on the procedure:

  • pregnancy;
  • heart disease;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • there are metal particles (implants) in the body;
  • oncological diseases.