ReOxy respiratory therapy - for lungs, heart, strength and healthy weight

ReOxy (Ai Mediq, Luxembourg) is the latest generation respiratory therapy device, which allows improving oxygen circulation in the body without the help of medicines, strengthening and restoring the patient's physical endurance and cognitive abilities.
During ReOxy procedures, the patient breathes an individually dosed mixture of gases with a reduced amount of oxygen (simulating hypoxia conditions). The main goal of ReOxy therapy is to restore normal oxygen supply in the body.
ReOxy therapy is especially valuable during the rehabilitation period after contracting Covid-19!
ReOxy therapy helps:
- to improve the function of the respiratory system in case of pulmonological problems;
- to regain strength and endurance in patients who are practically unable to perform physical exercises due to their health condition, but they are necessary to improve or preserve the quality of life;
- to prepare professional athletes and sports enthusiasts for heavy physical exertion or rarefied air conditions, as well as to ensure a full-fledged recovery process after physical overload and sports injuries;
- to improve general physical and emotional condition;
- to normalize weight, improve metabolism.
The ReOxy procedure consists of two stages:
1. hypoxic test
- During the test, the patient breathes a gas mixture with a reduced oxygen content through a special mask. During the measurements, the patient's vital indicators are monitored. Based on the data obtained in the test, the ReOxy device automatically calculates the parameters of the further procedure.
2. basic procedure
- During the procedure, a gas mixture with a low oxygen content and a gas mixture with an increased (up to 2 times) oxygen content are alternately applied. The patient's physiological indicators are monitored throughout the procedure. If the indicators start to change and do not meet the established norm, the procedure is automatically stopped.
ReOxy procedure:
- promotes the transformation of blood vessels and their increase in number, increasing blood flow in the body (organs are more efficiently supplied with the necessary oxygen and nutrients);
- optimizes the use of oxygen in the body - there is a transition from oxidative metabolism to glycolytic metabolism, which is a more efficient way of energy synthesis.
These processes have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire organism - both the cardiovascular system and the respiratory and nervous systems, while improving the body's endurance and metabolism.